Archivi: Projects


Nous nous sommes spécialisés dans l’usinage des matériels appropriés comme l’acier inoxydable à travers l’utilisation des machines d’instrumentation et machines dédiés.


On se concentre sur le soin de l’environnement du travail et des machines avec la relative participation du personnel pour une amélioration des procès productifs.


The operators work in self-control, checking all the details in the process using special tools made available to them. This allows each operator to create precision mechanical components compliant with the quality levels agreed with customers.


Thanks to our decades of experience in these sectors, we have specialized in the processing of suitable materials such as stainless steel through the use of dedicated instrumentation and machinery.


In this field, our long experience plus our cutting-edge machinery allow us to satisfy any customer need in the field of precision mechanical turning and milling. In fact, the fleet of machines is constantly renewed and adapted to customer needs.


In recent years we have specialized in this sector, with the investment of the property owned in 2019, we have been able to focus on taking care of the working environments and machinery with the related involvement of staff aimed at improving production processes. Upon customer request, Chiarini Machining is…


Negli ultimi anni ci siamo specializzati in questo settore, con l’investimento dell’immobile di proprietà nel 2019, abbiamo potuto concentrarci sulla cura degli ambienti di lavoro e dei macchinari con relativo coinvolgimento del personale atto al miglioramento dei processi produttivi. Su richiesta del cliente la Chiarini Machining è in grado di…


In questo campo la nostra lunga esperienza più i nostri macchinari all’avanguardia, ci permettono di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza della clientela nel campo della torneria meccanica di precisione e di fresatura. Il parco macchine infatti viene costantemente rinnovato ed adeguato alle esigenze dei clienti.