Chiarini Machining: innovation and investments
High quality, innovations and continuous investments on mechatronic and advanced technologies combined with a great attention to internal processes make Chiarini Tornerie Srl one of the most advanced companies in the mechanical industry field.
Thanks to our technical team’s knowledge and to the expertise of our management we obtained great results.
Chiarini Machining has a long time experience in mechanical processing different materials (steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminium, copper and their alloys) that permits us to face even the most complex projects and challenges, maintaining constant high standards and precision in both quality and productive processes.
Our main focuses: the continuous training of our team, the flexibility in production system and the rigidity in processes.
All these factors, combined with an efficient internal organization lead us to build a strong partnership with our customers that consider us more than a simple supplier.
In addition, our constant research in technology and development in heat and superficial treatments guarantees our ability to connect with our customer’s needs and requests, managing projects with high level of complexity.
This ability is fundamental to work with companies in delicate fields like electro medical, Defence, automotive or food industry, where only with precision, organization and quality we can obtain excellent
Business model
Training is essential for our company.
Chiarini machining believes in the importance of continuous training and in the enhancement of our human resources, that’s why we studied a system where every department can upgrade their knowledges through courses.
Thanks to this continuous training, our company can keep up with the necessary updates in techniques and procedures, to satisfy all our customers’ requests.
Our core business is based on the production of small and medium components in lots that go from the single prototype to hundreds of thousands of units.
Our expertise’s deep knowledge of the processes of metal transformation and the ability to program both traditional 5 axes CNC machines and team of robots represents the core of our company.
Standard production machines
Produzione standard
- Takamatsu EM-2A
- Monforts RNC 4
- Puma 240 MB
- SKT 21L F-211-TB
- Puma 240 B
- Puma 2000 Y
- Puma 240 MB
- Puma 2500 LY
- Centro MYNX NM410
- Proteo WL42
- Proteo WL42
- Proteo WL42
- Proteo WL42
- Doosan VCF 850 LSR
- Heller Mci 26.1
- Emag VSC 250 DUO
- Spin K0011
- Puma 350A
- Puma 350°
- SKT 400 MC
- Monforts RNC 600
- Monforts RNC 500A
- Monforts RNC 400°
- Dart Drilly Matic
- Famup MCX600
- MCV-610 AP
- Monforts RNC 400 single turn
Automatized production
- Isola 1, composizione: Nr. 2 DOOSAN V400R - Nr. 2 DOOSAN V400L - Nr. 3 ROBOT KAWASAKI
- Isola 2, composizione: Nr. 1 DOOSAN V400R - Nr. 1 DOOSAN V400L - Nr. 1 ROBOT KAWASAKI
- Isola 3 composizione: HYUNDAI F500 - HYUNDAI F500 - Nr. 4 ROBOT KAWASAKI - DOOSAN DNM 6700: Centro Verticale 4 assi, 4° asse Tsudakoma
- Isola 4 composizione: Nr. 4 torni DOOSAN GT 2100 B Nr. 4 DNM 5700 + 4° asse Tsudakoma ZEISS Duramax VICIVISION: M314 FIBER LASER GOLD LINE: Marcatore laser Nr. 5 ROBT KAWASAKI
Measuring machines
- Prismo Zeiss (certificata Accredia)
- Banco di taratura Horizon Trimos
- Rugosimetro Mitutoyo
- Proiettore Mitutoyo
- Profilometro Mitutoyo
- Micrometro per interni Bowers analogici/digitali da 5 a 200 mm
- Altimetro Mitutoyo, Mahr e Tesa
- Vari strumenti misurazioni da banco
Chiarini Machining srl
Reliability and quality
The design requirements and quality standards are at the highest levels in all phases of design, programming, industrialization, manufacturing and both visual and metrological control. Each component manufactured in the company passes very stringent tests to guarantee reliability which, very often, must guarantee the correct functioning of an assembly or sub-assembly, in extremely difficult and delicate sectors. All of this requires our operators to have great technological skills in concert with the control of the entire supply chain by our external partners.